No matter where you decide to locate your business in Roanoke, you will be able to access high speed broadband from a variety of providers. Presently, five companies provide access throughout the City of Roanoke, with a variety of bandwidth and prices that support any business, from a mom and pop operation to a full-fledged data center. Please see below for a list of broadband providers within the City.
Broadband Providers
Cox | 1-800-760-3427 |
Comcast Business | 1-855-971-2672 |
glo fiber | 1-833-926-8456 |
Lumos | 1-800-320-6144 |
Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority | 1-540-204-9341 |
Verizon | 1-888-378-1835 |
Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority
In 2014, the cities of Roanoke and Salem, and counties of Roanoke and Botetourt, joined to create the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority, with the goal of increasing broadband speed and decreasing costs. In late 2015, work commenced on a 47-mile fiber ring (now over 95 miles) through the cities of Roanoke and Salem, with completion of the project slated for January 2016. The purpose of this project is to improve affordable broadband services to the Roanoke Valley by encouraging collaboration, competition, and long-term investments. The network will be operated as an open-access network.
For more information about how the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority can assist with your business’s broadband needs, please email Frank Smith, Executive Director, or call at (540) 904-1073, or Joan Moore, Business Development Director at (540) 204-9341.